Director, Human Resource Management job at Baringo County Government

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1006756
  • Career Level Manager
  • Experience 8 Years +
  • Industry Management
  • Qualifications Master’s Degree

Job Description

Duties andresponsibilities
• Develop, review, andensure implementation ofguidelines on the establishment and abolition of offices/ posts in the Public Service;
• Develop, review, andensure implementation of guidelines on the design of organizational structuresin the Public Service;
• Carry out workloadanalysis to determine optimal staffing levels;
• Monitoring theimplementation of organizational structures in the Public Service;
• Develop and harmonize thegrading structures and nomenclatures in the Public Service;
• Establishment, maintenanceand updating of Staff Establishment Database;
• Develop, review, interpretand ensure implementation of policies, rules, regulations, procedures andstrategies on human resource management and development in the Public Service;
• Develop and implement aHuman Resource Management and Development masterplan for the Public Service;
• Oversee the developmentand training of Human resources in the Public Service;
• Management of the PublicService Internship Programme;
• Promote harmoniousindustrial relations;
• Advise on terms andconditions including retirement benefits in the Public Service;
• Initiate and coordinateresearch on market labour trends for the Public Service;
• Initiate research anddevelop strategies for best practices in human resource management anddevelopment;
• Establishing systems forhearing and determining appeals from County Government;
• Ensuring standards for thedevelopment and review of career progression guidelines are set and maintained;
• Making recommendations inrespect of qualifications of officers in the Public Service;
• Advising on transitionissues and relationships between the National and County governments;
• Advising on capacitybuilding needs for County Governments;
• Develop, implement andreview policy framework on uniform norms and Standards for the CountyGovernment.
• Develop and implement theDirectorates annual work plans, budgets, and
performance contract targets and staffperformance appraisal.

Required skills

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