National Individual Consultant: Rapid Assessment of Bottlenecks Inhibiting Evidence Based Scale-up of Post-pregnancy Family Planning (Postpartum and post abortion) and Social & Behavioral Changes for Family Planning in Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1007631
  • Experience 5 Years
  • Industry Development
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description

You would be responsible for:

The rapid BNA rapid assessment will focus on: (1) Conducting a landscape analysis to provide a technical synthesis of what is currently known about scaling up Post-pregnancy Family Planning (Postpartum and post abortion) and Social & Behavioral Changes for Family Planning interventions in Kenya in terms of implementation status, reasons for success or lack thereof, alignment of guidance with national and international standards, and the lessons learned from successful implementation (including approaches that aim to address gender norms and inequalities), by analyzing the local context, policy landscape (i.e. Strategy documents guidelines, tools/toolkits, plans, and monitoring and evaluation and other relevant technical reports) to help position and/or characterize the PPFP/PAFP programming in Kenya.

(2) Reviewing current strategies and implementation approaches used to scale up the evidence-based practices (EBPs) (including those that aim to address gender norms and inequalities) and the reasons for their success or failure by interviewing policymakers, program managers, service providers, and civil society.

Required skills

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