Gender Impact Assessment Consultancy, Nairobi

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1007916
  • Experience 5 Years
  • Industry Development
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description

4.3 Scope of Work

In liaison with the Women Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Program Team, SRH Program Team, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) team, guidance from UNFPA, and input from partners, the consultant will be required to:

Undertake a desk review of the gender situation in Garissa, Tana River, and Mandera.
Conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders and use the recommendations to enrich the assessment.
Conduct a validation exercise with stakeholders, including IRC.
Submit the approved assessment to IRC.

Using a feminist, diversity and inclusion approach, the gender impact assessment will gather information on the various needs, abilities, and coping mechanisms of men, women, boys, and girls. The following primary areas of inquiry will be the focus of data collection, with the consultant expected to develop data collection tools that capture sufficient information:

Time use and Space: Analyzing how changes in time use and spatial dynamics, such as displacement and relocation, have affected gender roles and responsibilities during and after the floods.
Decision-making and power dynamics in households: Investigating power dynamics within households and communities, and how these dynamics influence decision-making processes related to recovery and rebuilding efforts post-floods.

Required skills

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