National Programme Manager, Nairobi, Kenya

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1007537
  • Career Level Others
  • Industry Management
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description

Duties and Responsibilities

The six small island developing states (SIDS) in Africa, namely Comoros, Mauritius, Seychelles, Cabo Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and Guinea-Bissau, share common vulnerabilities that make them highly susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. These vulnerabilities include limited land area, remoteness, limited resources and export activities, exposure to environmental and economic shocks, and high levels of disaster risk. Slow onset events like sea-level rise, coastal flooding, and salinization of coastal aquifers, together with extreme weather events like increasing cyclonic activity, pose a complex and multi-tiered risk to these countries, leading to several threats including habitat contraction, changes in the location of coastal species, and loss of biodiversity. Added to that, SIDS are highly reliant on natural resources for economic activities, such as agriculture, fishing, and tourism, making them disproportionately affected by climate change-induced phenomena. Needless to say, disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation measures are crucial for SIDS. However, the effectiveness of these measures is context-specific and can be facilitated or challenged by specific characteristics of each country. The recent Sixth

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