Email Job

Job Detail

  • Job ID 1008581
  • Career Level Officer
  • Experience 4 Years
  • Industry Management
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description

The successful candidate will be reporting to the Principal Corporate Communication officer and be
responsible for coordinating Corporate Communication activities. The appointment will be on
permanent terms, subject to satisfactory performance.
Specific duties and responsibilities will entail:
i. Responding to all queries in respect of Institution from general public, media, special interest
groups etc.;
ii. Ensuring that collaterals for Institution functions and other forms of communications by the
Institution are prepared and issued in line with Institution brand guidelines and are aligned with
overall communications strategy;
iii. Collecting, receiving and communicating information that may inform Institution strategic
direction of the Institution;
iv. Preparing and submitting weekly, monthly and periodic reports within schedule and up to
v. Drafting press releases and responding to media inquiries about the Institution;
vi. Drafting in-house stories and publications such as the Institution magazine, brochures, flyers,
notices and advertisements;
vii. Maintaining and regularly updating data base and mailing list of all stakeholders;
viii. Preparing public relations materials to be used in various events;
ix. Maintaining media database;
x. Monitoring the press on pertinent Institution and water sector issues;
xi. Updating the Institution website and digital platforms as advised and engage with users on social
media sites such as Twitter and Facebook;
xii. Organizing events including press conferences, exhibitions, open days, workshops and fairs;
xiii. Keeping calendars and diarizing events (editorial, press conferences, events)
xiv. Proper filing, folioing and maintain Corporate Communication Department registry;
xv. Taking news worthy photos for the Institution photo gallery;
xvi. Carrying out selection and storage of promotional videos, photography, films, multimedia, and
publicity materials and monitor usage Compile Performance Contract evidence and proper file
and folio;
xvii. Compiling, receiving complaints and updating the Institution complaints register;
xviii. Monitoring and compiling reports on usage of publicity and CSR budgets;
xix. Compiling CSR and publicity reports and prepare proposals for the Committee meetings;

Required skills

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