STATISTICIAN, Nairobi, Kenya

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1008216
  • Career Level Others
  • Experience 2 Years
  • Industry Development
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description


Organizes, designs, plans and carries out the collection, evaluation, analysis, compilation and dissemination of statistical data by selecting methods of data collection, selecting and implementing methods for checking collected data, and selecting and implementing appropriate methods for data processing for incorporation into databases.
Support the collection, processing, evaluation and dissemination of various forms of data from Member states, UN-Habitat branches and regional or field offices, civil society, NGOs and partner databases including those from other UN agencies, UN Statistical Division, UN population Division, etc.
Participates in the development, implementation and management of statistical database(s). Compile a database comprising of SDG 11 and other Human Settlement Indicators at the city level using different data sources such as national censuses; Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS); Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS); Urban Inequities Surveys (UIS); various national household surveys; and other administrative sources.
Contribute to the data analysis and updates of the Urban Indicators Database including follow up with National Statistical systems on urban SDGs and City Prosperity Index (CPI) related data and reporting mechanisms.

Required skills

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