Consultancy to Develop a Training Package for Nationwide Rolling Out the Kenya Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Protocols and the Real-time Monitoring Information System

Email Job

Job Detail

  • Job ID 1009010
  • Experience 5 Years
  • Industry Management
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description

Expected results

  • A comprehensive training package (training manual, programme, and slide deck) is developed to enhance the capacity of stakeholders at the national and county levels to understand and implement the RUSH Protocol, Implementing Guideline, and Monitoring Framework and operationalize the Kenya Rural and Urban Sanitation and Hygiene RTMIS, including user registration, data entry, validation, certification, and analysis.
  • A dissemination version of the RUSH Protocol, Implementing Guideline, and Monitoring Framework has been developed, summarizing key components of these documents for dissemination and use during training and fieldwork.
  • A national-level training for ToT is organized with MoH and UNICEF for a maximum of 100 master trainers, who will be responsible for training users of the protocol and system at the county and sub-county levels.

Required skills

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