Project Midterm Evaluation Expert – Illegal wildlife Trade in South Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
- @TrendyJobbers | HR Outsourcing
- Full-time
- Posted 8 months ago
- Apply Before: May 18, 2024
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Job Detail
Job ID 1006321
Career Level Officer
Experience 2 Years
Industry Management
Qualifications Degree Bachelor
Job Description
Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment”. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP’s Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity development for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This consultancy post is located in UNEP / Ecosystems Division / GEF Biodiversity unit and reports to the respective GEF Task Manager. UNEP is implementing a GEF project titled ““Strengthening institutions, information management and monitoring to reduce the rate of illegal wildlife trade in South Africa” in South Africa executed by the Department of Forestry Fisheries and Environment (DFFE). UNEP would like to recruit a consultant to conduct a Mid-Term Review of this project. The Mid-Term Review will use a participatory approach whereby key stakeholders are kept informed and consulted throughout the review process. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods will be used as appropriate to determine project achievements against the expected outputs, outcomes and impacts. It is highly recommended that the consultant(s) maintains close communication with the project team and promotes information exchange throughout the review implementation phase in order to increase their (and other stakeholder) ownership of the review findings. The findings of the review will be based on the following: a) A desk review of: Relevant background documentation, inter alia, Project Document and Appendices, Project design documents (including minutes of the project design review meeting at approval); Annual Work Plans and Budgets or equivalent, revisions to the project (Project Document Supplement), the logical framework and its budget; Project reports such as six-monthly progress and financial reports, progress reports from collaborating partners, meeting minutes, relevant correspondence and including the Project Implementation Reviews and Tracking Tool etc.; Evaluations/Reviews of similar projects; relevant policy and strategy documents, particularly when assessing relevance and alignment of the project. The consultant will also review all documentation of the subgrantees including their contracts. b) Interviews (individual or group) with: UNEP Task Manager (TM); Project management team; UNEP Fund Management Officer (FMO); All project partners, Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Environment (DFFE), South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) and South African National Parks (SANParks), all levels of governance, PSC, local government officials and project management teams through virtual meetings and field visits: Other data collection tools: If needed, to be decided at the inception phase including Focus Group discussion (FGDs) with targeted beneficiaries to bring out community voices. Review Deliverables and Procedures The review consultant team will prepare: Inception Report: containing confirmation of the results framework and theory of change of the project, project stakeholder analysis, review framework, quality if project design and a tentative review schedule. Preliminary Findings Note: the sharing of preliminary findings is intended to support the participation of the project team, act as a means toto ensure all information sources have been accessed and provide an opportunity to verify emerging findings. Draft and Final Review Reports: containing an executive summary that can act as a stand-alone document; detailed analysis of the review findings organised by review criteria and supported with evidence; lessons learned and recommendations and an annotated ratings table. Come up with findings on the status of the implementation process to date, challenges faced, best practices and make recommendations to support the implementation of the Project. Work plan Objectives: In line with the UNEP Evaluation Policy and the UNEP Programme Manual, the Mid-Term Review (MTR) is undertaken
Required skills
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