Somalia Evaluation, Learning, and Monitoring Initiative (ELMI) Education Activities Closeout Event Facilitation Support, Kenya

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1007267
  • Career Level Others
  • Experience 2 Years
  • Industry Development
  • Qualifications Degree Bachelor

Job Description

Specific Tasks:

The consultant will undertake the following specific tasks:

  •  Coordinate between the three implementing partners (IPs) and MoECHE to ensure harmonization and balanced representation across the milestones that are identified.
  •  In coordination with the Lead Facilitator, support the development of a visual timeline to be highlighted in a “timeline walkthrough” during the closeout event.
  •  Plan and facilitate a “learning day” event to reflect on BAB and AGES activities centered around three themes: (i) systems strengthening, (ii) transition pathways (to formal education/vocational training/livelihoods), and (iii) school safety and safeguarding (themes to be confirmed through consultations with USAID, IPs and MoECHE).
  •  Document reflections from government and IP stakeholders during the learning day event to inform future activity objectives.

Required skills

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