Secretary, Environment job at Public Service Commission Kenya (PSCK)

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Job Detail

  • Job ID 1006532
  • Career Level  Manager
  • Experience  3 Years
  • Industry  Management
  • Qualifications  Degree Bachelor

Job Description

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-
• Providing leadership, co-ordination and oversight in overall environmental governance including:- formulation, implementation, monitoring and reviewing of Environmental Policies, Regulations, Strategies and legislations;
• Advising the government on Environmental policy, legislative, regulative frameworks and their implications;
• Providing overall coordination of Kenya’s engagement, participation and negotiation in all Multilateral Environmental Agreements that Kenya is a party to;
• Coordinating the implementation of activities, and initiatives to help realize the objectives and aspirations of Multilateral Environmental Agreements that Kenya is party to;
• Providing liaison with Parliamentary and Environmental Sector, Intergovernmental Secretariat in support of the Sector Agenda;
• Spearheading formulation, reviewing and monitoring of policies implementation and strategic interventions on Environment
• Monitoring and provision of oversight to ensure compliance to Environmental Standards and programs, projects and strategic initiatives.
• Guiding on mainstreaming of Environmental Action into all sectors of the economy
• Providing leadership in the development and implementation of policies and strategies for restoration and protection of degraded ecosystems including, but not limited to Rangelands, Mountains, Hills, Mangroves, water towers and wet lands.
• Overseeing domestication of international Environmental Agreements;
• Providing leadership in the development of initiatives and strategies to control and manage environmental waste and pollution.

Required skills

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